Congratulations to the winner Bryan Chenault. Thank you to those that participated.
Author: Daryl Belnap
Wicked Edge WE130 Sharpener Give Away
Giving away a new Wicked Edge Precision Sharpener WE130. Only shipping in the USA. Drawing will be May 15, 2022.Only 60 entries spots available. To enter drawing purchase the BK Paladin | Silver Shadow from my website and leave a review. One entry allowed per person. Numbers will be assigned by your order position 1-60. Drawing will be done using The Wicked Edge will be shipped to the address on file for the associated winning order.There is no minimum number of entries required for the give away. If only one person enters then they will get it.Use this link to find the knife:…/bk-paladin-silver…/
Welcome, Thank you for choosing to visit us.
This is the home of the well proven Multi Guide Pro Bevel Guide. The bevel guide is a very mature design and has been in service for several years by knife makers in the USA and around the world. As a result of customer feedback on the Multi Guide Pro I designed and developed the Heretic 2″ x 72″ belt grinder with world leading performance and accuracy. The goal of the Heretic is to use the bevel guide and the best modern super grit belts to their fullest advantage in increasing quality and reducing production time and cost.
We offer a variety of knife making services as well as providing knifemaking related tooling and other related items.
There are many free downloadable original knife profiles available. These are all drawn by me. Some of them I have made and some were just practice as I learned to use Fusion 360 software. The free downloads are fully editable.
In the course of learning to make knives I designed some tooling aides to help me reduce costs and maintain performance. Those aides may be seen in the Tooling category of the Shop page.